How Do Animals Damage Your Roof?

An adorable baby raccoon, stuck on top of a garage roof, yelling for help

Although you can make your roof weatherproof against severe weather, protecting one of your home's most important defensive areas from intruding animals is far more difficult. To eliminate the need for expensive roof repairs, you must be vigilant and alert for signs of intruders at all times. This article is all about particular animals to be aware of, as well as indications that you might have the beginnings of animal-caused roof damage for which you need to contact a roofing contractor.

What Animals Invade Roofs and Why?

Many attacking animals are looking for a safe place to hide from the elements. Animals are drawn to the dark, safe heat source and will wreak havoc on a roof's covering to gain access. Raccoons, squirrels, and rats, in addition to rodents, use roofs and attics to build their nests. Birds and bats may also be attracted to build nests in attics, chimneys, and gutters.

The Common Suspects and the Harm they Cause:

  • Birds: They can be beautiful to look at, but they have a lot of baggage. Birds create nests in and around gutters, necessitating gutter cleaning. They also consume an acidic diet, which results in droppings that chip away at shingles. If your roof is a popular hangout for birds, make sure to get it examined on a regular basis.

  • Bats: Vampire bats are only seen in movies and books, but bats are terrifying enough without the added danger of blood sucking. Bats can comfortably fit through small gaps in your roof. Since they are drawn to dark, warm spots, they may try to make a home in the attic. Bats cannot enter your home if your roof is in good working order.

  • Squirrels: Do you find squirrels on the roof? If given the chance, they will gnaw on the shingles before they break through and build a home in the attic. They are cute, fluffy, and fun to watch. The squirrel may get trapped and die there or it may live and use your attic as a toilet. Either circumstance will induce a strange odor in your walls or ceiling. Squirrels will be deterred by fresh, hard shingles. Be sure to repair any shingles that have been affected.

  • Roof Rats and Mice: Roof rats and mice are popular in some areas. These unsightly rodents chew through insulation, tubing, and electrical cords as they burrow through your roof. Damage to the electrical system may result in a fire, a loss of home power, or the death of the rat/mouse, resulting in a foul odor. Regular inspections are important for keeping pests out.

  • Raccoons: These are the ringleaders of the bunch! These robbers, who are larger and more powerful than their smaller rodent cousins, can tear large holes in the shingles, rip open a small opening, and set up shop in your attic. Then it'll only be a matter of time before you have a raccoon-infested attic!

Techniques for Prevention

  1. To begin, ensure that all tree branches are properly trimmed. Animals often use overhanging branches to gain access to the roof's surface. Clean debris from gutters on a daily basis to keep birds from building nests in the area and obstructing proper water drainage.

  2. Inspect the interior of your attic on a regular basis for droppings, collected nesting material, and signs of a commonly used animal entry, which can be detected by looking at the oily residue, left behind when animals reach and exit the attic.

  3. From the ground floor, walk around the perimeter of the roof searching for broken shingles or torn roofing materials. When you see any signs of an infestation or internal or exterior roof damage caused by animals, contact a roofing contractor that specializes in animal damage control, such as ReRoof America in Minnesota.